Copyright 1984
In 1984, a group of people began meeting to develop Spiritual awareness. They were guided by a group of extra-terrestrials from the Sirian star system. This meeting took place weekly for many years. These are some of the lessons presented by the Sirians.
1.There is no such thing as inanimate matter.
2.All things - stuff, entities, Universes, states of consciousness, life - come from the same SOURCE.
3.You are here to consciously take control of your evolution.
4.All so-called "truth" becomes relative within and to space/time.
5.We are going to teach and oversee you in a method that is designed to take you out of the human kingdom into the super-human kingdom. Or stated in a different way - to teach you to be in control of the three planes of human evolution, rather than you being controlled by them.
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We will add to these points as they are needed.
The first part of this course is to introduce you to the structure of the methodology we have decided to use.
The Himalayan brotherhood has, within the last one hundred years, given out a structure of the Universe consisting of the septenary plane and subplane system. Within the last fifty to sixty years, they have introduced the septenary ray system. The planes are a matter-spatial qualifying system; the rays are a life and consciousness qualifying system. We will make use of this and other methods given out by Sri Morya.
We deliberately use his methods because he will be the Manu of the coming new age and of the spiritual energy that is to be radiating from the Andes. WE all collaborated before the constructs were given out.
Your physical plane science works from the physical upward; spiritual works are usually attempted from the highest attainable level downwards - we will work on all at once.
As your thinking shifts from the mundane, physically-oriented, and personality-identified self; there will be a great need for BALANCE. You will have to work at balancing the pairs of opposites. You will have to consciously endeavor to balance your spiritual and physical activities. We will instruct you as to how to accomplish this as we go along.
You are the thinker. You, the thinker, have projected yourself into three periodic vehicles - mental, emotional or astral and the etheric/physical. The elementals that make up the substance of these vehicles are involutionary and opposed to your evolutionary arc. The conscious state or lack thereof within the aggregate forms you inhabit, OPPOSE every evolutionary step you take. Due to their nature, they can be called the ANTI-SELF.
EXAMPLES: If you decide to lose weight, you are going to deprive some elementals of their experiences, hence they fight back manipulating the elementals within the desire vehicle to create desire to consume more elementals in the form of food. In some people the substance proves stronger than the will of the projecting entity, so that it carries around with it so many physical elementals that it is detrimental to the incarnating soul. But the elementals haven't acquired a consciousness that can relate cause and effect yet, so they act for the moment. And since you, the incarnating agent, have not yet been taught what you are; taught not to IDENTIFY yourself with the periodic vehicles; the elementals can convince you that their desires and needs are your own.
This becomes even more apparent when you began the cleansing, or reprogramming, of the astral and mental vehicles. You can be seized with illogical fears, doubts, insecurities, and so on. It is important not to identify yourself with these emotions for they are the sum total of the aggregate elementals that make up those vehicles. The reason they fight so is they are losing their structure of service and they learn by doing or serving only. When you evolve, you are replacing all lower vibratory substance with higher vibrations. They are losing their world and not having the faculty to reason, it doesn't occur to them that they can in turn, go to another vehicle to learn. They simply fight you.
The information presented above explains why so many people have such a hard time when they first begin the Path. The elementals are at that time stronger than the people who have begun the Path; therefore they can do more damage....
Also due to this fact, we will spend the first part of this course getting you to IDENTIFY YOURSELF.
1.Practice your breathing (this consist of closing one nostril with the hand, inhaling through the open nostril, closing the open nostril with the hand, exhaling through the now open nostril, inhaling through that nostril, closing that nostril with the hand and exhaling through the now open nostril. Repeat this pattern as long as you are comfortable or up to 20 cycles) and engage in some physical activity consistent with your current physical condition.
2.Have a sheet for each day and record what type of dreams you are having and what, if any, reactions to the meditation. Also make note of any ANTI-SELF activity.
3.Practice your meditation every day.
4.Read this material over a few times and consider it.
These centers are in etheric matter; at this stage you will visualize them in the etheric and not try to feel them in the physical body. Assume a meditative or focused state.
1.Build a funnel-like connection from the solar plexus into the heart center.
2.Build a like connection from the spleen center into the center of the brain.
3.Build a connection from the regenerative center into the throat center.
4.Build a bridging connection from the top of the spine into the alto major center.
Remaining focused repeat to yourself and ponder--
1.What is self? Who Am I?
2.I am not the physical body, or the astral emotions, or the concrete MIND. What am I?
3.I am a spark of divinity! A god imprisoned in substance. I am a god incarnate.
Remaining focused go over this acclamation.
My intent for participating in this program is - to accomplish SELF's purpose for incarnating. To cooperate in the purpose of this planet and with its hierarchy. To provide service for these goals as to my abilities, and to assume my place in the order of the divine PLAN.