THE NATURE OF PERSONAL REALITY A CHANNELED LECTURE PRESENTED APRIL 4, 1984 BY SIR OLIVER LODGE Part Two Channeled by George [EDITOR'S NOTE: THE FOLLOWING IS A VERBATIM TRANSCRIPT FROM THE SESSION TAPE. WORDS ADDED FOR CLARITY WILL BE IN [ ], WORDS OMITTED WILL BE DENOTED BY ..... THE REST IS JUST AS IT WAS SPOKEN] Lodge here. Tonight we would like to continue our discussion of personal reality. As was said previously, personal reality is a confused issue on the physical plane. From our perspective, 'tis vastly different. As has been mentioned, a primary goal of existence is to return to the Universal SOURCE of energy. In order to do this, one must overcome the first three planes: the PHYSICAL plane, the ASTRAL plane and the MENTAL plane. These three lower levels are what comprises matter and form. And a man's normal condition is very limited; he is limited by his ordinary senses; his ordinary perceptions. These limitations can be overcome to a great extent by consciously establishing contact with the higher levels of existence. A way to view man in the physical is to liken the physical vehicle as a nucleus, and each subsequent plane as a layer expanding out into infinity. If you were to have an onion with a rock in the center and you peeled away the layers, when you got to the rock, you would have your physical reality and the physical vehicle of the individual. And so this rock is surrounded by many layers of reality. The further away from the center of the rock that you get, the more abstract until the ultimate is pure energy. The human vehicle and human consciousness are the highest vibrational frequency on the physical plane. The rest of the plane is comprised of lower vibrational levels and lower consciousness levels. And yet, under ordinary circumstances, the physical vehicle is still like a rock compared to the higher levels of existence. Thus, in the normal level of development, this rock with its weighted consciousness goes through its normal birth and death cycle, but the consciousness is still heavy and after the death transition it floats up a bit, but soon again settles to the bottom to complete another birth/death cycle. Each bit of weight that the consciousness can shed while on the bottom, allows it to float a bit higher with each subsequent death transition. Until finally the ensuing spirit does not settle back to the bottom and the path of physical incarnations is broken. And this is done by raising the level of consciousness and increasing the magnitude of the energies that the entity handles while on the physical plane; by raising the frequency on the physical plane. You are moving more towards the eventual sinking back to the bottom, to be born again into the physical vehicle. If you think of, it the term light has at least two different conceptions. It is a quality that of being not heavy and it is a radiation that we can see with. Thus, the movement towards the light. Think about it. In considering reality the individual has to know SELF and expand the awareness of SELF. Would there be any questions? [There were no questions]. The transmission conditions are a bit difficult this evening and it is difficult to transmit the information that we desire. Thus we will terminate the transmission until the conditions are more favorable. The issue of reality is an important one. Tis also a confusing one. We will deal with it in more detail in the future and we will present it in a form that is understandable to your present consciousnesses. This has been the shortcomings of literature on the topic over the last 50 years and we hope to remedy this. And with that I bid you a good evening. |