Books I Found Helpful
by George
The Betty Book by Stewart Edward White |
A classic book of the development of mediumship. Written almost 85 years ago, this exciting story is a timely presentation of finding ones gift of mediumship. |
Your Psychic Powers and How to Develop Them by Hereward Carrington |
Hereward Carrington was a researcher with the Societies of Psychical Research in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. A keen analytical mind, he witnessed some of the most powerful phenomena of Spiritualism. Deeming the phenomena real and important, he wrote many books on the topic. A number of his books, such as this one, are still in print. In addition, he has returned as a spirit to continue teaching people about Spiritualism. I had the priviledge of channeling him. |
The Airmen Who Would Not Die By John G. Fuller |
This is probably one of the most powerful modern books documenting survival after death and spirit communication. Written in 1979, it documents the Hinchcliffe and R-101 tradegies as the Hinchcliffe situation approached it's 50th anniversary. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's role in Spiritualism is presented. Although out of print, it is worth finding a used copy. A Great book. |
Seth Speaks by Jane Roberts |
Probably the most positive book on psychic development I've ever read | |
Our Unseen Guest by Darby & Joan |
Darby and Joan were friends of Stewart Edward and Betty White. World War I, with it's tremendous death toll pushed many people to seek the spiritual path via spirit communication. I found their experiences helpful in developing channeling. Although out of print now, it has been republished several times since originally published in 1920 and should be available used. |