Books I Found Helpful

by George


The Betty Book

by Stewart Edward White

A classic book of the development of mediumship. Written almost 85 years ago, this exciting story is a timely presentation of finding ones gift of mediumship.

The Betty Book

Your Psychic Powers and How to Develop Them

by Hereward Carrington

Hereward Carrington was a researcher with the Societies of Psychical Research in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. A keen analytical mind, he witnessed some of the most powerful phenomena of Spiritualism. Deeming the phenomena real and important, he wrote many books on the topic. A number of his books, such as this one, are still in print. In addition, he has returned as a spirit to continue teaching people about Spiritualism. I had the priviledge of channeling him.

The Airmen Who Would Not Die

By John G. Fuller

This is probably one of the most powerful modern books documenting survival after death and spirit communication. Written in 1979, it documents the Hinchcliffe and R-101 tradegies as the Hinchcliffe situation approached it's 50th anniversary. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's role in Spiritualism is presented. Although out of print, it is worth finding a used copy. A Great book.

The Airmen Who Would Not Die

Seth Speaks

by Jane Roberts

Probably the most positive book on psychic development I've ever read  

Our Unseen Guest

by Darby & Joan

Darby and Joan were friends of Stewart Edward and Betty White. World War I, with it's tremendous death toll pushed many people to seek the spiritual path via spirit communication. I found their experiences helpful in developing channeling. Although out of print now, it has been republished several times since originally published in 1920 and should be available used.

Our Unseen Guest (Kindel Edition)